Wednesday, January 20, 2010

South Park Scientology Episode Stream Did Anyone See The South Park Episode On Scientology?

Did anyone see the south park episode on scientology? - south park scientology episode stream

if these are his actual beliefs is ridiculous. In any case, what do you think that the episode had to say?


James M said...

Cracking episode made me laugh all the way through. Scientology is exposed for the farce that is.Those their actual beliefs of L. Ron Hubbard and has marked freedom.But his way the whole if you have enough money to get the full freedom of some levels are more than $ 5k.If, that these values do not, then you have access to the amount of U.S. $ 5K again.
It has nothing to do with multiculturalism, but everything to do with money ..
I thought the two parts, with Travolta and Tom Cruise "Trapped in the Closet" was near the bone brilliant.Really ...:-)

To learn more about the true religion, then I suggest you get "Piece of Blue Sky, Jon Atack.

Voltaire's Child said...

Yes, I did. True, but there's more story to Scientology Xenu. End behind the incident in connection with the offense. Parker and Stone does not matter that his aim was to ridicule Scientology. Personally, I love your work, I think they're geniuses. Opportunity that are equal in their ridiculous and it's fine with me, but if you think it was a good representation that the ideology of Scientology, better think again.

Of course it's ridiculous. I do not think the story of Xenu. But in reality it is ridiculous that a lot in the Bible or the belief in Christianity, Judaism, Islam and many other "isms" questions "tour.

Garen said...

One of his best! Scientology is a huge scam and I am so glad that we have here in Maine. Used to hang out in Central Square, Cambridge, and were the most shocking things in a pretty scary neighborhood. PPL seemed to have a lobotomy. Personality test, my Aspidistra? At least I have a personality.

Off Grid Granny said...

I thought I was a little bit about. I think, Parker and Stone are genius and I envy his biting satire (and the love sh!) T get away with it. But I think it was a bit much. I also think it was very offensive, Isaac Hayes, Scientologist, who was among the first to see his genius, and lend their credibility - and his voice - for the show.

As for what they believe in Scientology, which seems to be quite on the mark. Search Wiki Scientology, which give you a good overview.

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