Saturday, January 23, 2010

Behavioral Sleep Medicine Journal Can Mix Of Rx Pain Meds Cause Mental/ Behavioral Issues?

Can mix of Rx pain meds cause mental/ behavioral issues? - behavioral sleep medicine journal

My stepfather has arthritis and back, neck and nerves rheumatoid problems. It is Pretazone, Oxycontin, Perceset (5 / 325), morphine (+ / - 30 mg) of RA Embrel, Celexa for his nerves, and medications to lower blood pressure.

His behavior became increasingly erratic in recent months. He sleeps all day cause, smoking, chewing tobacco and snuff in the degree of financial problems, eating enough for two adults and drink at least 3 pots of coffee. It is also an alcoholic who drinks no more. All this happens every day. Family history of bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. His memory failed, and it seems, perhaps with a touch of sizes and can in one minute and then type the following command does really nice.

My question is, can the combination of drugs in certain because of this erratic behavior, or could be problems in the family is no longer the center of attention? We try to understand what can help. Unfortunately, it is the kind of person if you do not agree with him, not what t knowalking on.

Please. I need the right answers to serious problems. My mother has just one major surgery on the neck, and she needs a break.

Thank you in advance.


ponderer said...

It's really a question better addressed by a doctor or pharmacist ... But if you go to this page
and give all the medications you with information on what is not working well together and the possible side effects.

Good Luck

formerly... said...

Dementia is highly probable dementia and medication can worse. Is not this madness, there's absolutely no way to predict how this combination of drugs can affect the behavior of a person - most of these drugs alone can cause mood disorders influence behavior, so that in combination, anything is possible. His stepfather, would probably clarify admitted to a hospital for several days, all sorts of problems.

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