Friday, February 5, 2010

Vip Suitcase Change Combination Lock My 3 Digit VIP Suitcase Is Jammed, The Combination Is Correct As I Opened It Minutes Ago, Now It Refuses To Op

My 3 digit VIP suitcase is jammed, the combination is correct as i opened it minutes ago, now it refuses to op - vip suitcase change combination lock

The number does not change before the crash.
However, the bag is opens.


98765432... said...

Figures move around and back to zero.
Then try your combo box

div said...

I do not know

johnny m said...

reply within 3 days that you can try all combinations and 1000 was opened. wow.

duoak said...

I think it's your fault. Not suppose to block the bag anyway - airport regulation - because they have to check their luggage. Must be willing to 0-0-0. The best thing to do, call the manufacturer.

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