Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cardboard Flash What The Hell Is The Matter With Those Girls On "Girls Gone Wild?"?

What the hell is the matter with those girls on "Girls Gone Wild?"? - cardboard flash

I sleep Watch Kyle and Cartman the box with the other on Comedy Central hit, then wake up to a white girl vajajay intermittent madness on the screen. Why so angry? Would you like to be drunk as a slut?


Indiegir... said...

The despair and crippling self-loathing.

<ASD3 said...

I know! Whenever I see South Park, and go through the offers on that one! I'm going through it as fast as I can, but they are so long! I think, therefore, be reviewed as they are, of course. But the problem is that young children through the channels I know can flip!

To the point, which is so unpleasant, because they draw attention to children who have no life want to draw. And it seems that they like in fifteen years, because my cousin, age seemed to enjoy seeing what I could.

LawComm said...

I agree! I also think it's crazy that this is a T-shirt! Or return to sober and trying to people to sue the video. There seems to be a lesson to all the younger girls, but they do! Crazy!

Deep Thinkin' Dude said...

.. seems too much alcohol for me.

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